Clinics for companies

Taking a break with colleagues often yields new insights. You come back to work with fresh ideas. And no less important, you have experienced your colleagues from their sporting side.

What can you do?

Norwegians skating
Contact us and we will be happy to help you make it a successful activity.
Call 0900-3867767 (on working days between 10 am and 2 pm during the skating season) or email

What does it cost?

Norwegians driving

Prices 2024-2025

Kosten: € 107,00 per uur voor een groep t/m 10 deelnemers  ( voor elk persoon boven dit aantal komt er € 10,70 bij )

– expert instructor
– skates (can be rented on site)
– entrance ice rink

Cancellation policy

Where ?

skating rink Rotterdam

More information

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