Better well stolen than poorly conceived.

25 October 2022 By: Mark Hakkeling

Is making use of each other's knowledge and skills stealing?

We at Duosport think that an instructor gets better by watching, listening and copying what fellow instructors are doing. We believe that based on the idea that every copy undergoes a change as someone else incorporates it into his or her lessons. That is a form of evolution that benefits everyone.
For somewhat experienced instructors, this is a great path. Knowledge transfer, evolution feedback, all wonderful.
If you have just come to look, then something more concrete to copy and make your own is probably desirable.

That's why in the Duosport skating academy:

Inspiration for skating lessons

And more specifically:

Lessons series to adapt to your own situation youth


Lessons to adapt to your own situation “adults”

Use, apply, adapt and let us know what works for you and your students.

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